Sunday, November 10, 2013

Isotonixs Kids

Regular Intake Of Powerful OPC Antioxidants

In addition to being powerful antioxidants, the individual OPCs have been shown to provide a myriad of specific health benefits. Isotonix Isochrome provides a powerful dose of chromium, which has been shown to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and healthy levels of blood cholesterol. The supplement Isotonix OPC-3 should be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach to ensure maximum absorption. Combining up to 17 Isotonix products, your Gene SNP Isotonix Custom Cocktail helps you achieve optimal nutrient intake, taking the guesswork out of nutritional supplementation. A separate clinical study conducted on subjects supplemented with Isotonix OPC-3® had significant cardiovascular performance improvements after 8 weeks. Isotonix OPC-3® is a powdered antioxidant blend that when mixed with the appropriate amount of water becomes “isotonic“.

The Daily Value Of Essential Vitamins And Minerals

Might-A-Mins Spectrum Isotonix Multivitamin provides children in need of neurological metabolic or digestive support with a carefully selected blend of vitamins and minerals chosen for their exceptional bioavailability. With Market America's Isotonix Might-A-Mins, you can provide your children with the proper daily allowances of most vitamins and minerals that are best for them. Isotonix Might-A-Mins contains 12 vitamins and 10 essential minerals, along with phytonutrients from a proprietary blend of fruits and vegetables. Isotonix formulas are more effective than standard children’s multivitamin formulas because they offer the best way to get the maximum delivery of vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream. The Might-a-Mins® Spectrum Isotonix® multivitamin helps ensure optimal intake of vitamins and minerals for growing bodies. Calcium, Zinc and vitamins A, C and E, are some common vitamins and minerals that children generally don't get enough of.

Healthy Levels Of Vitamin K Support

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health, heart health and immune support while working with vitamin K to promote proper utilization of calcium and promote healthy arteries. Because the modern diet consists of many processed foods more difficult to digest, maintaining a healthy digestive tract is important to the overall health of the body. Champion Blend boosts energy and endurance, helps maintain joint flexibility, promotes healthy nitric oxide levels and supports normal muscle use and performance. Increasing the consumption of dietary antioxidants helps support the natural potential of your body to remain healthy, support healthy ageing and maintain cellular integrity. Because high cholesterol levels can be dangerous, it is important to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol, both the good and the bad, in the body. A series of human studies suggest that astaxanthin helps maintain healthy blood pressure by promoting healthy blood flow and vascular tone.

Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements In Isotonic Form

As the body ages, it becomes less able to absorb vitamin B12 and must undergo chemical changes in order to be used by the body. Then it is quickly absorbed into the blood stream maximizing the amount used by the body. An isotonic formula utilizes a great-tasting powder formula, that, when mixed with water, minimizes the amount of digestion needed to deliver maximum benefit to your body. The supplements are taken in liquid form and are easily absorbed by the intestine during the digestive process. Concentration, the amount of nutrient dissolved in a given amount of solution, is directly related to the efficiency of nutritional absorption. • nutraMetrix Isotonix Calcium Plus, which delivers calcium and complementary nutrients to keep your bones strong.

You can get Genuine Isotonix Products Here:

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